Gear X-mas party NFT auction and Meetup by Polkadot Mexico

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Event Details

Dec 18, 2022
17:00 (GMT-6)
Bitcoin Embassy Bar

X-mas party auction featuring NFTs from Mexico's talented independent artists took place at Bitcoin Embassy Bar!These paintings have become first in a collection of NFTs created during 1st Web3 Universities Hackathon using a unique Gear smart contract! The contract includes information on the geolocation, artist name, and most interestingly, in 6 months time, will provide the next location for the new artists who wish to contribute to the collection. How cool is that? These artists will be required to create a painting with the same thematic as the previous artist, ensuring that the NFT Vara Collection eventually becomes a beautiful art gallery showcasing talent from around the world! The details of each piece, including the number of paintings, theme or style, name of the artist, and place of creation are all unknown and randomly determined on the Vara Testnet blockchain!

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